Saturday, November 27, 2010

Fun Thing!

I  am a pilgrim

my hat will not  stay on!

zack has a  horse to  ride now!

zack  loves  his horse!

thats me

Saturday, August 7, 2010

time for a new post

he  is      tired

zack     is   up     and     going     and   he   is    nat    going

look   at    zack    hand       the   end

Sunday, August 1, 2010

awesome play dough

we  made play dough

this is the sky with my name on it
this is whitneys monster
this is my monster
this is my snow man

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

dragon fly rock world

i  wasnt   afraid to       hold  the  dragon   fly    but    whitney   was.     
drgonfly   rock   you      i   saw one        up close     i rock 

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

dun dun duuuuuuuuu

My mom is typing for me while I tell her the story to write.
Once upon a time, there was a cat, and he could talk. And he lost all of his teeth because he bit into a bone. And he was crying. And the other cats came, and they were like, "Why are you crying?" and they could stand on two feet. And he said "I lost all my teeth." and they asked if they were his baby teeth, and he said no. So now I can only be a half a cat. And then a couple of weeks later his other grown up teeth came, and he didn't have fake teeth or anything. And the other cats asked if they were his fake teeth, and he said no, and he was happy again. And then a mean cat bit into a bone and he just did that because he wanted to lose his baby teeth and so he was happy. And then a couple of weeks later his grown up teeth came in and the mean cats played cause they all had their grown up teeth. The mean cats were playing by themselves and there was three of them. And then the nice cats, there was ten of them, and they played happily again.
The End

cute as a princess

we are princess`s   we  are   the  majesty`s     we  are the  boss     of    you     you   can  be  one  to 
 whitney is the queen
i`m the  princess
zack is the   prince dun dun duuuu

Monday, July 19, 2010


max was my kitty he died i feel sad i miss  him.but he is in  heaven.

me and zack in the pool
we both looked at  mom when dad took the picture.

zack was funny

whitney just rided and i didnt and i was sad.
i rode first then whitney and avrie. 

zack drank the water and played in the hose