Wednesday, July 3, 2013

just us being us

                                     Zack wanted to be funny in this picture  but that's how he is
                                                      this me and zack on a table my mom made
                                                      this is Whitney on her b day
                                                  her presents were cases Zack liked them to
                                                      Zack was stirring orange juice while looking at a book he thought it was a book about how to make the perfect orange juice;)
                                         Zack thought the trains were pretty cool when we up to look at the Heber Crebper
                                                         me and whitney having fun
                                               zack saw a pretty cool thing
                                       this is where whe got our tickets  to ride the train  my hands got pretty dirty by looking at the trains
                                            this is when we kids were decorating easter eggs
                                       this one is one we went to the zoo a long time ago
                                        we were building our house and no I didn't wet my pants that's mud
and zack the one who makes us go bannas some time all right see you next time